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Why does the Signal Protocol use a symmetric key for encryption- when asymmetric keys are more secure? [duplicate]

Çağlar Arlı      -    41 Views

Why does the Signal Protocol use a symmetric key for encryption- when asymmetric keys are more secure? [duplicate]

The Signal Protocol, as many of you would know, is used by many applications such as WhatsApp and Signal. These corporations, I can vouch for, would definitely use the most secure protocol they could- as WhatsApp, for example, would happily spend millions and millions to make sure a data breach or “hack” doesn’t happen.

As asymmetric encryption is known for being far stronger, I wondered why the esteemed Signal Protocol uses symmetric.

Can anyone give me a straightforward, easy to understand answer for this, please?

I saw this article on asymmetric vs symmetric encryption and it says that:

One reason asymmetric encryption is often regarded as more secure than symmetric encryption is that asymmetric encryption, unlike its counterpart, does not require the exchange of the same encrypt-decrypt key between two or more parties

And I saw this article as well, that also states:

Increased data security is the primary benefit of asymmetric cryptography. It is the most secure encryption process because users are never required to reveal or share their private keys, decreasing the chances of a cybercriminal discovering a user's private key during transmission.

As well as this third article that also states:

Advantages [of asymmetric encryption]: More secure than symmetric encryption.