• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Want to know about Virtual Machine Based Rootkit (Subvirt & Blue Pill rootkits) [closed]

Çağlar Arlı      -    86 Views

Want to know about Virtual Machine Based Rootkit (Subvirt & Blue Pill rootkits) [closed]

I am testing this VMBR concept in my environment (for research purposes).

Since I am very new to this concept, want to understand how this VMBR or Subvirt and Bluepill can be implemented; is it possible?


To start, I am working with CoVirt to understand the concept, but while implementing while using insmod ./covirt_module

I am getting Segmentation Fault problem. Why? I am testing with 22.04 and as well as 21.10 Ubuntu but getting the same.

Is it because I am using intel?, since it is AMD-V (SVM)