• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Since devices in typical house scenario are exposed to ISP, Do anonimous OS (tails/kodachi/etc) require a different scenario to keep anonymity?

Çağlar Arlı      -    34 Views

Since devices in typical house scenario are exposed to ISP, Do anonimous OS (tails/kodachi/etc) require a different scenario to keep anonymity?

Researching on this topic I found the answer of Conor Mancone for a similar question about whether Can an ISP detect or log specific devices connected to ISP-provided home routers?, which answer was that If you are using their device (router), then you don't really have a network of your own - your house is just an extension of their network. (Which makes total sense to me)

So, my doubt is that It seems that the scenario of the hacker hacking from their house, or the Activist or Journalist scenario accessing the Internet from unsafe places and communicating securely, doesn't apply as simply as It looks like or requires a bit more background.

Then, pursuing a high level of anonymity and actually getting it seems to be possible in untypical scenarios.

To be anonymous, e.g. exploring the dark net, researching active treat groups or visiting their sites, and similar activities... How many technical resources are required and What these are?

Is really possible to protect yourself from door-to-door traceability? (What's the point of using Tails/Kodachi If the connection could be traced to the nearest ISP/Antena, despite that Kodachi seems not intended for beginner users)

Despite the use of an encrypted router & OS, in the end, Isn't my relative position exposed to the nearest connection endpoint (e.g. the closer ISP/Antena)?

What's needed to take into consideration when thinking about exploring the internet, and also in the dark web, to keep your identity and location "out of the range" of potential attackers, hosts, or other users?