• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Survey – A study on Security Debt management [closed]

Çağlar Arlı      -    23 Views

Survey – A study on Security Debt management [closed]

I am currently doing a study on Security Debt, a new and upcoming concept, at The University of Oslo. With this, we would like to gain an overview on the concept through a study on Security Debt management.

If you're familiar with Technical Debt, your insights are pure gold for our study into Security Debt management. The survey will only take 7-10 minutes of your time!

It's all incognito – no emails, no need to insert confidentially personal data when answering, total anonymity.

Click here to share your expertise: https://forms.gle/ocy8BFZq4CGz78Tk7

The results from this survey will be used in a study at the Department of Informatics: University of Oslo and will be anonymously published. Company specific data is anonymized and stored in UiO servers and will not be shared with other parties. The study is part of a project funded by the Research Council of Norway related to innovation in industry. The results will be aggregated and anonymized before potential publication. Curious to see how others tackle Security Debt? Check out the survey results on our website by the end of March:
