• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

How do I select the correct hash value / Why is my hash so extremely long?

Çağlar Arlı      -    15 Views

How do I select the correct hash value / Why is my hash so extremely long?

I have used zip2john to get the hash for a zip file like that:

zip2john.exe myfile.zip > hash.txt

john told me:

ver 2.0 myfile.zip/SomeDir/SomeFile.itv PKZIP Encr: cmplen=11813, decmplen=20364, crc=9CA2F026
ver 2.0 myfile.zip/packageInfo.plist PKZIP Encr: cmplen=390, decmplen=433, crc=5B49A74F

Note: It is assumed that all files in each archive have the same password. 
If that is not the case, the hash may be uncrackable. To avoid this, use option -o to pick a file at a time.

To do that, I have used:

zip2john.exe -o SomeDir/SomeFile.itv myfile.zip > hash.txt

Then I tried the following command to search for the pass:

john.exe myfile.zip hash.txt

john told me:

Warning: Invalid UTF-8 seen reading myfile.zip
Warning: detected hash type "HMAC-SHA256", but the string is also recognized as "HMAC-SHA512"
Use the "--format=HMAC-SHA512" option to force loading these as that type istead
Warning: only loading hashes of type "HMAC-SHA256", but also saw type "PKZIP"
Use the "--format=PKZIP" option to force loading hashes of that type instead.

I could open the zip file in 7zip, so I assumed that I should go with "PKZIP".

I am now using the following command to search for the pass:

john.exe myfile.zip hash.txt --format=PKZIP 

I have opened the hash.txt file, and there is a huge string in it. Its length it over 23.000 characters.

It starts with


and ends with


Is the length of over 23.000 characters normal?

I thought hashes were rather short.

Edit: I didn't expect that in this case, multiple hashes are involved. Had I know this, I would have posted the entire contents of hash.txt.

The is the full contents of "hash.txt":

myfile.zip:$pkzip2$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*$/pkzip2$::myfile.zip:packageInfo.plist, SomeDir/SomeFile.itv:myfile.zip