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Website with embedded PDFs and JavaScript for Acrobat

Çağlar Arlı      -    10 Views

Website with embedded PDFs and JavaScript for Acrobat


On my website, users can upload their PDF files, and then some, other users can view the uploaded PDF files.

I was wondering if this could come with security issues.

The uploaded PDF are simply displayed on the website thanks to: <embed ... type="application/pdf"></embed>.


Doing some reasearch, I stumbled upon this gist: https://gist.github.com/andripwn/671ef1aa6c535d9168c900524bfb84e1 which suggests that what I do could lead to XSS attacks. I tried the code and it works: an alert is displayed on my website.

But is it really a security risk though? I'm not sure. It seems that the JS code is not normal JS, it's JS for Acrobat (https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-docs/acrobatsdk/pdfs/acrobatsdk_jsapiref.pdf).

  • Is it really a XSS? How could this be exploited?
  • Are there other risks that I'm not aware of?