• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Anonymized posting mechanism for members-only-post mailing lists

Çağlar Arlı      -    8 Views

Anonymized posting mechanism for members-only-post mailing lists

Suppose you are administering a mailing list where only members/subscribers can post; but you want those members to be able to occasionally post some content to the list anonymously. (*)

Now, in an any-one-can-post list, you don't really have to do much: A subscriber can set up a dummy email address and post from there, and that works (albeit is a bit incovenient). But for the members-only-post scenario, I would need some sort of an anonymizer, which on one end can receive emails/files from list members, and on the other end authenticate as the user of some email account and post to the list with a subscribed address (e.g. mylist-anonymizer-bot@mailprovider.com).

My question: Are there commonly-used mechanism for achieving this? If not, or if they're commercial and expensive - how difficult would it be to set something like this up, and can you sketch how it would work (I mean, with more detail than what I described)?


  • I suppose there will is also the issue of spoofing of the anonymizer account. An answer which address this as well would be great, but I'm fine with just ignoring this concern for the purposes of this question.
  • Do not assume control or root access to the server running the list management software. Suppose it's some large mailing list provider service.
  • Most discussions on the list are not to be anonymized.

(*) - By "anonymously" I don't mean in the sense of "no person or group can ever be able to trace back the email except with millions of years of computation etc.", I mean "inspection of the mail message and its headers will not indicate who the message originated with, without a significant, government-agency-level effort of traffic analysis".