• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

How can I prevent the browser(s) from revealing screen resolution and plugin list? [migrated]

Çağlar Arlı      -    13 Views

How can I prevent the browser(s) from revealing screen resolution and plugin list? [migrated]

Screen resolution can be a key aspect in browser fingerprinting; and also installed browser extensions;

Why screen resolution isnt needed at the server: As a web developer, my SERVER never need to know the screen resolution; In fact, the server don't need to know or assume anything; The CSS rules need only respond to the browser's WINDOW DIMENTIONS, not the screen as a whole; And it's the browser's job to implement demention-related rules, not the server.

Why plugin list isn't needed why would it. If a website is depending on certain extension, then it can inquire for presence of that particular addon, or the addon developer is reponsible to leave such IDs for the extension.

How can I, as a user, disable screen resolution from being reported to the server? How can I disable submission of the addon list to the server, by the browser?

(yeah, yeah, I accept the "risks")

My browsers: Firefox, Brave, Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Safari OS: Windows, Linux
