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Why don’t operators and CMS developers of discussion forums offer 2FA?

Çağlar Arlı      -    24 Views

Why don’t operators and CMS developers of discussion forums offer 2FA?

I have now done the tedious work and enabled 2FA for all accounts in my gopass (if the site offered an option).

enter image description here

Some only offer insecure SMS or a proprietary app, or even nothing at all.

What is noticeable, however, is that discussion forums do not offer 2FA. Did I miss an option? Some hidden feature? Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange, for example, does not offer such a 2FA option.

Isn't it a very big security risk if someone possibly publishes posts in my name? Or what are the reasons for not offering 2fa on discussion forums? There is a quite small amount of CMS developers for discussion forums.