Exposing ssh to outer internet
I tried some services like cloudflare but it all required some kind of soft on client side. I found ssh-j.com. It’s perfect, bir forwarding port to unknown server is scary, can I trust it?
I tried some services like cloudflare but it all required some kind of soft on client side. I found ssh-j.com. It’s perfect, bir forwarding port to unknown server is scary, can I trust it?
One of the benefits of using OpenPGP authentication subkeys instead of arbitrarily created SSH keyfiles, is key expiration and revocation.
While there is plenty of documentation on how to use OpenPGP for SSH Servers, I could not find anyth…
I won’t lie, I am not a security expert and I am likely one of them guys in them companies whom working life proficiency is to slowly become little annoying. I work for a company complying with PCI DSS standard and the company slowly start…
I was wondering if it’s possible to only store and read a ssh private key on a yubikey and not read the private key the yubikey generated from a client computer?
Currently the only way it seems to work is that I store the private key on cl…
I have 2 yubikeys and both are having the same GPG master key besides 3 subkeys for encrypting, signing and authentication, I can encrypt/decrypt and everything regarding gpg seems to be working fine, the problem is when I am trying to use…