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Could there not be a practical half step to Quantum? [migrated]

Çağlar Arlı      -    6 Views

Could there not be a practical half step to Quantum? [migrated]

While I have read a number of articles/papers etc on Quantum, I wonder if the only answer is 10 or if 3 or 5 will be a practical way forward as an interim measure?

While most advocate a transition from what we have today it quickly jumps into PQC. Practically, this has many challenges, from protocols to libraries, algorithms as well as keys and certificates.

While I understand the end goal and all views understand the limitations of infrastructure, would a transition to RSA4096 not be a practical step forward?

  • RSA2048 was introduced "many moons ago" and as per Moor's law, 90% of infrastructure should have doubled or more in processing capability by now.
  • RSA requires no "change" to protocol/library/algorithm currently in use
  • RSA4096 while not the answer will require as I understand x2 + 3 cubits so +- 8192cubits ... which at the least will buy most enterprises "Time" if not raze your wall above your neighbours and provide a simplified strategy against - harvest now, decrypt later.
  • if we are worried about speed of processing RSA4096 ... it's got nothing on PQC I believe

The alternative requires a lot of changes and maybe my view would best be for TLS while signing solutions being more controlled could take advantage of transitioning directly to PQC.

If anyone has an opinion I would be glad to hear from you.