• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Using email drafts to move content through network security

Çağlar Arlı      -    5 Views

Using email drafts to move content through network security

I know the practice of using drafts to communicate has been well documented.

I have a more specific use case: An employee looking to move content in and out of a secure network.

We lock down USB, block cloud services, monitor emails, etc. However, we do allow webmail access to Exchange. Trying to understand 2 scenarios:

  1. Moving content out
  • Employee composes email on work PC and attaches files or copy/pastes content
  • Employee opens draft in webmail on personal device and downloads content
  • Employee deletes draft email

This can be done in a matter of minutes and overnight backups would miss the draft if it was deleted.

  1. Moving content in (we do not allow any GPT use)
  • Employee uses an LLM on personal device and pastes output into draft email in webmail

  • Employee opens draft on work PC and downloads GPT content

  • Employee deletes draft email

Same as above, this would be done in a matter of minutes.

Locking webmail is not an option as senior execs use it. Key logging every employee not feasible either.

Thoughts? Suggestions?