• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Does windows security mean from the outside or from the inside?

Çağlar Arlı      -    12 Views

Does windows security mean from the outside or from the inside?

I had Eclipse and Tomcat installed and when I started it up, the window security asked me the following question:



Do you want to allow public and private networks to access this app?

Allow access to these networks:

 [X] Public networks
 [ ] Private networks

What am I asked here to allow?

  • Access to the app from public and private networks. Incoming traffic, as said in the heading (“Allow networks to access the app”)? That would fit with Tomcat opening a port. However, the pre-selection, only from outside, but not from your own computer, speaks against it.
  • Outgoing traffic, as said in the text line above the two checkboxes (“Access to these networks”). Which would also fit with the fact that “public networks” is preselected and “private networks” is not. It would make more sense for an app to be able to access the Internet (i.e., check for updates) than to snoop in private networks.

Bonus question, when I start Tomcat up again, the message no longer appears. What do I have to do to get asked again?