What’s New in HstEx® v5
Version 5 is a major release of HstEx® and adds new support for the recovery of artefacts from mobile and portable browsers. We have added 124 new recovery profiles in this release and added support for browsers such as Mozilla Firefox on Android, SalamWeb and Samsung Internet browser on Android. The user interface has been completely re-written and adds major improvements and new features to a number of key areas. We have improved the layout of the user interface, with the goal of improving productivity, and added support for light and dark themes.
In combination with NetAnalysis®, both applications represent the most powerful, comprehensive browser forensic analysis suite available. However, don’t just take our word for it, take it for a spin and see the powerful features in action.
Adding/Editing Recovery Job
In this release, we have added 124 new data recovery modules. We have also added new toolbar buttons allowing the user to select recovery modules which are supported on the source operating system, or the type of device. This means you will only select the profiles you need for a quick, efficient and comprehensive recovery. You can select from Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android along with Desktop, Mobile, Portable or Gaming devices as well as the most Common options. The Recovery Module grid now allows multiple levels of filtering, searching and sorting.
New Source: Multi-Volume ZIP Archives
We have added support for processing data contained within multi-volume ZIP archives. Anyone familiar with mobile phone analysis will immediately see the benefit of being able to select this file format. Multi-volume ZIP archives are often the output format used by Mobile Phone Forensic Extraction Tools.
Change Log
To review the full list of changes for this release, please see: Change Log v5.0.
The post What’s New in HstEx® v5 appeared first on Digital Detective.
Article Link: https://www.digital-detective.net/whats-new-in-hstex-v5/
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